Welcome to Elev8Cure Foundation patient resource & assistance grant program. . We understand cancer and alzheimers - and the strain it takes on a person not only physically and emotionally but also financially. Elev8Cure raises funds to assist patients in active treatment with out-of-pocket expenses like gasoline/bus or light rail passes, groceries and sometimes co-payments.
This is a one-time per cycle grant program, so once you’ve received a grant you cannot apply again until the next grant cycle. We want to help as many people as possible, but funds available are limited and are awarded on a quarterly basis. We will make every effort to support everyone who applies for assistance to the best of our abilities.
Maximum request: $500 per patient
Grants are awarded quarterly. Grant applications submission dates and award dates are:
Submit application: March 15
Awarded: April 15
Submit application: June 15
Awarded: July 15
Submit application: Sept 15
Awarded: October 15
Submit application: Dec 15
Awarded: January 15
Applications are awarded on a first come first basis and one month after application submission due date.
Please download and complete the application and send to us at grants@elev8cure.org.
We will notify you when we are starting to accept applications
Copyright © 2019 Elev8cure Foundation - All Rights Reserved
Elev8Cure Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, EIN #83-2898866.